PTO and generator.

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New Member
Ok has anyone ever tried or seen a genset hooked up to the PTO? It's a crazy idea I'm having for my next project(a camper van).

Is the PTO at engine speed or gearbox speed. I'm guessing engine but haven't looked at my gearbox yet.
Get a pto pulley and belt drive an old dynamo/ generator. See stuff like that all the time being driven by stationary engines and stuff :)
Sam that's sorta the idea. The problem with an inverter is by the time I put in a second battery and inverter it will take up as much space as a small coil. What I was thinking was striping the coil from an old 5kva honda genset. Which would produce between 15-20 amps or 3300+ watts. An inverter to do that would drain a 100ah battery in no time and would cost a fortune. Plus this would give me true sine wave leccy so can happily run a microwave of it.
Yeah those wee 1kvas are ok but I'm looking to have camper fully self contained. Basically park up and climb in the back motor home style