Placing a snorkel on a Series 3

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New Member
Hi Guys im new to this site and am pretty unaware how to navigate it so bare with me, i have a 1983 series 3 and wan't to put a snorkel on it, but it doesn't have the original air filter and has a k and n on the carb, can i just put the snorkel straight onto the carb and an air filter on top of the snorkel? please help,
theres a working one in kendal was a bit quiet for my liking though :p mine might run next sunday if everything goes to plan ;) hoping to at least get the engine in fully now theres no gearbox to feck with

Watch you don't slip on the oil on the drive!
Don't you have a series to dismantle :rolleyes: pretty sure I've done more this weekend then you have in the last few months :p

At least the engine works :rolleyes: even if it is a clapped out diesel. But yes, its getting ready to put stuff back on soon, hopefully should be ready by then end of may :)
Get busy then :p 10 hours of my time to do that lot this weekend at best ;)

Not seen any updates on your thread for a while :rolleyes:

Well, I've been doing this and that to it, not much to update really, I was on holiday the other week anyway :) Chassis's been sorted in the meantime, in the next few weeks the ball shall get rolling again on the thread don't you worry ;)
Ask and you shall recieve! I'm going to be down in the garage after school tomorrow so you shall get them then ;)

In all fairness, it would be great if you got your troublesome V8 running this weekend :cool:

haha well I'm hoping to get the engine in and hooked up :) got some money now so will be buying a lurvely big Bosch battery to try and start it with as well as getting my clutch done

Got some welding to do first though as I've butchered the glue together bulkhead with a grinder now :)

Old V8 is getting a rebuild with advice from JM and Wammers so will have that for another project or spare soon ;)