pics of fuel filter , inner arch

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D3 Grandad
Full Member

as i took out my fuel filter today thought I would also share some extra pics for anyone who may find them useful

got my son james involved, he removed the wheel, inner arch, then undone the 2 x 10 mm bolts and the tray dropped down, disconnected two fuel lines, 1 x elec connector. there was one redundent plug and earth wire not connected to anything.

not sure what the spare connector is for, maybe a different model or maybe a pre fuel heater of something

got the brake shoes off for cleaning, **** what a job that is trying to get all the crud off the drums

found also where the fuel filter and pump assembly goes onto the tray, it goes into 3 x lugs, however it was only in 2 so the unit was actually knocking against the tray which could explain while i was getting an occasional knock from the back.

drilled out 2 x rivets as it was then easier to remove the whole lot off the tray in order i could thoroughly clean it.

left it on axle stands for now as ive spent hours trying to clean the drums, will spend a couple of days on them with a wire brush and nylon rotary drum that goes into my cordless

well here are some pics for reference so hopefully they may help someone else in the future

dont know why but will only allow me to post one pic, loaded 4 x pics but only one is now showing ,



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Thought the spare electrics were for the fuel burning heater pump. When I changed my pump and filter the rivets had corroded and the whole lot was free floating on the brackets with just the pipework holding it in place. Hopefully another 60,000 miles before I have to look at it again :)
Thought the spare electrics were for the fuel burning heater pump. When I changed my pump and filter the rivets had corroded and the whole lot was free floating on the brackets with just the pipework holding it in place. Hopefully another 60,000 miles before I have to look at it again :)

Mine was the same, used nuts and bolts to reattach to the brackets. Changing the pump and filter wasnt as bad a job as i was expecting it to be, took me about 2 hours all in.

been spending hours though trying to clean up the drums, blimey what a job, shame as a new pair of drums are around £80 a pair and want to put that towards the rest of the brake lines

see ref to pics about using photobucket, strange as u could just upload several pics at once but u do that and only one appears

wished i never took the inner arch cover off as it revealed the true horror of the brake lines



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been spending hours though trying to clean up the drums, blimey what a job, shame as a new pair of drums are around £80 a pair and want to put that towards the rest of the brake lines

see ref to pics about using photobucket, strange as u could just upload several pics at once but u do that and only one appears

wished i never took the inner arch cover off as it revealed the true horror of the brake lines



Hi Gary....The more you look, the more you see !!!
When you have replaced the brake lines, you can sit back and say that's a job worth doing !!:beer2::beer2:

slowly getting there, done one before painting, this is about 3 hours work, but well worth it

agree like to a job once



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I have done mine today a 2006 hse auto I have a small angle grinder and a wire brush wheel to go on it, It did not take long to do and painted them with black Hammerite that I found in the back of one of my garages I do not know how long it has been there but still OK I also painted my back step looks a lot better now . the picture of the filter GS what year is that one. and it is a pity I can not post pictures ,I just can not get the hang of it.
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I have done mine today a 2006 hse auto I have a small angle grinder and I wire brush wheel to go on it, It did not take long to do and painted them with black Hammerite that I found in the back of one of my garages I do not know how long it has been there but still OK I also painted my back step looks a lot better now . the picture of the filter GS what year is that one. and it is a pity I can not post pictures ,I just can not get the hang of it.

hiya, just put the first coat on both drums, will post pics once they have the second coat

the filter is a 2002 , but the actual fuel filter was last changed in 2009 ,

ref pics if u scroll down u shoukd see manage attatchments then click on choose file, and will take u to where ur pics are, select the one u want, then lower down back on the forum screen click, upload the once loaded, close window and will take u back to the post u was writing out

for me i can only seem to post one pic, maybe its an ipad thing , lol

cut the end off the filter as i was curiuos of what was inside, lol



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heres a pic of mine



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