Thanks for the pointers.
Stripped everything back and started again, I now have fuel going through with the added bonus of air bubbles as viewed through the inline filter.
Don't think this is right but it leaves me to work on the bigger problem, non starter.
Anyone passing that wants to lend a hand would be greatly appreciated, as starting to get a little "peed-off"
Original fault, main spring breaks on starter, replace starter.
Trouble starting so replace plugs leads, battery, selonoid, earth cables, coil, dist cap,ignition switch, points and condenser.
Sort of runs for a week then non starter, dead selonoid, replace selonoid.
Sort of runs again then non starter. Call out a car electrician and he informs me the starter is pulling to much amps and has electrically welded the contacts in the the selonoid. Replace starter and selonoid.
Attempt to have timing done at garage, and informed that there are no timing marks so adjusted by ear, runs like a bag of crap. Hence the fuel problem. Replace fuel pump and lines. strip and reassemble.
Today; Timing played with again with no success so replace the complete distributer. Still trouble starting, the starter is whirring around but it just won't spring to life. Smoke comes from the engine mount earth, replace cable but the starter is dead. Both the starter and the coil got hot when trying to start.
Reckon its the starter again drawing to much current and not leaving enough for the ignition system. Given up for today.
Where do I start ? Obviously with a replacement starter, then what?
Idiots guide please, or a decent offer to take it away