Petrol 2.25 starting problem

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New Member
I've looked at the old threads but couldn't find the answer, but forgive me if it's already out there.

My Series 3 2.25 petrol only starts from cold if I pour some petrol in the top of the carburettor. It starts fine when warm. The carburettor has 'Solex' on the main body but it is clearly a Zenith.

Any thoughts on where the problem might be? Could it be a failing fuel pump or will it be in the innards of the carb?

Hmmm...have to prime it.

Couple dumb questions:

1. If you continue to crank it does it light up eventually?
2. Is this after sitting for some period of time (days) or every time you get in it cold?

Reason I ask is that I have had a similar issue on my 109 (IIA but same motor/carburettor) and that turned out to be check valves in the fuel pump and evaporation. if I left the truck for a week or two (sad to say I don;t drive it daily) it would crank and crank and crank but eventually sputter to life when the carb bowl refilled from the activity of the fuel pump.

The way I nailed thiss was to get under the bonnet before starting the truck and pump up the fuel to the carb manually using the priming lever on the pump. Then it lit right off. You might want to give that a try.

Thanks - yes I think this may be the problem. Its currently being repainted so is not actually running very much. It wouldn't fire up even after flattening the battery but a splash of fuel into the carb and off she went!
i used to have something like that with my 109 she can be a miserable old bitch at times, it couldbe your pump on its way out believeit or not mine was a lot better with a new pump and also a bit of tuning on the mixture screw and adjusting the timing slightly and -20 first flick of the key she starts or put another carb on it as the bodies warp on the zeniths causing crap fuel consumption and bad starting