Hope one of you Knowledgeable chaps can help me out with a suspension query.. Im restoring an old series3 diesel. She was leaning a little to the drivers side, on inspection all 4 springs were shot, so replaced with new britpart springs and shockers. Annoyingly she is still leaning to the drivers side. Passenger side bodywork sits 1.5" higher. Anyone got any ideas? From what I can see the problem is at the rear of the vehicle. It has had a new rear crosmember fitted and new rear leaf mounts. The cross member seems to have been welded on true enough. The onlt thing I can see is the passenger side leaf shackle angle is a lot more upright than the drivers side. Was tempted to lop the mount off and re-weld 15mm further forward to match and hopefully lower the passenger side a bit in the process?? Any help is very welcome!