noisy diff and oil leak

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Well-Known Member
Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire
Went for a longish run this weekend. Halifax to Donnington Park and back. After the fast run on the motorway I noticed that the diff was wet through and the grindy gear noise on the overrun is worse. Axles aren't warm to touch even after a 70mph run but will be stripping down.

The griding noise on overrun is sometime quite loud, a bit like overrun in 2nd gear but louder, sometimes not so loud...

So question is what to look at?
- oil seal (looks fairly easy)
- pinion bearing - looks a bit more involved
- full overhaul - not sure I've got the time
Any one got a 3.54 10 spline diff they'd like to sell?

I'm off on hols and not gonna get much time to look at this but am booked in for an off-road less for me and the missus when I get back so want it working or she'll make me do it all in a gaylander!

I've just ordered an oil seal for now as that looks like it's a 20minute job with the diff in-situ.

noise on over run is classic symptom of worn pinion bearings ,you should do both and if doing set diff carrier bearings properly not as in guide , no point in doing seal if theres any play in diff flange
Ta, ordered some bearings too. Does the inner bearing come off the pinion easily. In the service book there's a special press for getting them off or will they come off easily?

Thanks James, DiscoPol for the pointers...

I've got the Land Rover books I already practiced the carrier bearings thing on the old Land Rover ones I took off as the rear one had loads of slop in it, looked like the tabs weren't wired down properly and it had jumped a few notches.

Will look at bearing separator but am skint at moment so am hoping it will come off on its own with a bit of persuasion...
It's the rear, if I really run out of time I might just swap front to back and pop in a new oil seal while I'm at it but will try and do the job right.

Thanks for the offer of a splitter....will see how I get on and might take you up on it.

Update: Got back from holidays on Wednesday and had an off-road course at Parkwood today - birthday present from the decided I'd better have a look at diff.

As soon as I dropped the prop-shaft the problem was obvious the previous c*nt, sorry I mean owner, hadn't fitted the split pin to the pinion castle nut and it was about two turns short of dropping the prop-shaft, which would have been fun at speed. Outer bearing looked/felt fine and didn't have time to strip diff down. Replaced oil seal and fitted split pin and it's grand...will be checking front next time I get a chance though!

Amazingly, the motor didn't let me down on the course and even surprised the instructor by not getting stuck on the "failed hill climb" she'd set up that defeated her Disco 3...great day and I think the missus might have caught the bug and been talked into getting a Disco instead of a Freelander. She still dislikes the Series but at least she no longer hates it!...
Well done for the good off-road day -

great news if it holds on the pinion result -

same again for the front ? yeah ? - yeahhh !!! :D
Cheers mate.

I checked the front one yesterday and that was only on finger tight too though it did have a pin! It nipped up fine and the bearings feel ok. Will probably strip them both down in the new year but not got the time now....hopefully they'll hold up got a trip to Glasgow and back then over to Beilefeld in Germany and back....
