Newbie with MOT prob's

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New Member
Hello to all,
Din't reallies I should 'ave come here first 'fore postin' int forum, 'ope i,ve not put any snecks outa joint.
T'problem is I've got a '95 disco what I've 'ad for four 'n' arf years an't MOT is due but mi wipers 'ave packed up. Ive tried new motors but that int it, any ideas out there int landy world :confused: :confused:
Ello t'patmich.

i dont t' think yer af t2 cum ear furst, but i spose it is custumary t'say helloor afur yer start t'askin questiuns baart t'wipers n'snuff.

Yo tried simple things fust like fuses, fwiches and weelays??

excuse the dribble, am in a silly mood. Welcome.
Hello Ivor
Fuses OK Switch OK Relay OK as far as I can tell. The relay is switching in intermittent mode, but they only Work in fast wipe and Even then they don't self park. Ive tested at the motor plug and only get voltage at the ingnition feed and the fast wipe feed. I think it may be the multi function unit????
Any ideas?
A up and welcome

You checked the wireing, it should pass a MOT as long as the wipers can clear water off the screen.
Yup I've checked continuity 'n' everything checks out OK.
The only other thing is that the original wipers seized up 'n' couldn't be turned off eventually the motor burned out .
It doesn't matter what I do the only thing I keep coming back to is the Multifunction unit.
Oh just remembered the head light washer doesn't work either, but there again it never has since I got the Disco 4 1/2 years ago.
hiya pat not to sure about disco`s mate , but they are only a rangerover in different clothes` a couple of older rangerovers ive owned have suffer silmilar faults and it was the wiper swich itself , if the fuses loom and relays are all ok theres nowt much else really :D .
HI Rick
I don't think it's the switch as :-
1) when on intermittent the relay can be heard switching, and the time intervels can be changed, but the wipers DON'T.
2) When on slow wipe they DON'T.
3) When on fast wipe they DO, but don't self park.
4) When on single wipe they DO, but don't self park.
The only other thing I can see is that the MFU is F.U.B.A.R.:confused: :confused: :confused:
Have you had a look at the connector on the motor body, it's got a crappy springy connectors that doubles as the self park switch, there is a plastic noggin on the wheel which operates this switch. Mine had gone all manky and rusty an wunt work so I cleaned all the connectors and contactors in the plastic block bit an it worked a treat. Other than that all I can suggest is a fault in the wiring somewhere as yoove looked at everything else.
So basicly it looks like the self park yhingy's tits up
Is that the plastic noggin on the back of the motor gear box, or the plastic noggin on the back of the steering wheel.
Iv'e Been told by a Mate that it could be the sliprings??? on the self park thingy.
Iv'e looked at the motor and it looks like it's sealed. How the fecking hull do I get into it to the self park thingy and the sliprings???:confused: :confused: :confused:

It's looking more and more like an expensive trip to the landy vet. "OH POO" there goes all that overtime Iv'e done for 'erindoors jolly's.:( :mad: :eek:
I'm assuming it's simmilar to a 90s'. The motor drives a worm which turns a wheel with a pin on it which pushes the wireything up and down a tube to operate the wiper arms. There int no slip rings, just a cam on the back of the wheel that comes into contact with a plastic noggin thats held in the plastic electrical connector block thats fastened to the motor body. When the cam comes round it pushes the noggin which in turn opens crappy springy switch in the connector block. If you take the switch apart, you have to get it off the motor to do this, all the contacts fall out and if you manage to find them all and work out where they go clean them up give the switchy one a bit of a tweak so it's a bit more springy an put it all back together. If it int like one off a Defender then all this is a waste of time but nivver mind spending all this time writing it has saved me the bother of having to do foreplay with our Myrtle cos she'll be nodding off by now, I can just go straight into the shaggin bit.
Sorry Grunt it looks like you should ave done't foreplay. It sounds like Disco's 'n' deependers 'ave different motors, cos mines got a gearbox onit that changes t drive through 90 degrees wi a little arm that goes on to t wiper arm an spins round waglin t wiper thing back N forrad (if that makes sense)

I wouls 'ave attached a picky of a Disco wiper motor but it dunt want t attach
Yis the motor drives a worm which drives a wheel which has a pin on it and as the wheel goes round the pin makes the wirey bit go back and forth. Int that like yours. I'll go an tek a pic of mine an bung it on here somewhere.
No it dunt. It az a gearbox that shifts the driv thro 90degrees to a little arm wot guz round N moves T main arm back N forad.
If tachment worked thers sum pic's an yul see wot I meen


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Sorted it.
After all that it was the switch that was tits up:eek:
Many thanks to all those that offered help and advice