Ok, getting away from Slob's implants for a second (honest Gareth, that's the Slob, it ain't no mechanic. Aww, c'mon, if I got me some implants I'd give up all me other hobbies & stay in 'till the novelty wore off...........about 2020 I'd guess! The man's got too much time on his hands & Bob passed off a lump of MT sidewall as best squidgy & he's never been the same since!).......
Whereswaldo, Slob has a valid point (again, but you need a snorkel to wade through the mire of his posts in less lucid moments!). Why do you want to space your wheels? The improvement to your likleyhood of not toppling over is small compared to the extra strain your going to put on your bearings. If it's just to make your defender look more aggressive, they already do, more so in my opinion than Hummers.......They're for rappers & girls.........So, what's the point?
Just my opinion & we know what opinions are like?