New buyer avoid top road tax!

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New Member
I would just like to relate my experiences with regard to purchasing a new 110 est in 56 (2006)

Having worked in Ireland, where they have been charging much more for road tax on larger private (non goods) vehicles for many years, I suspected that Blah Blah Blair and Fat Boy Brown were greedily heading in this direction. I therefore ordered a 3.5 tonner through a web site after the local Oxford landi dealers came up with a big zero on my specs and could only recommend waiting for the new 4x4 transit to come out (OK the new Ford Landi). They came up with 'Farnell Land Rover Bradford' and a Gareth Watkins,
Corporate Sales Manager dealt with my order. To cut a long story short, this tosser palmed me off with a standard model which is classed as a 'car' and attracts top road tax. (I did not read the specs on collection carefully enough) I knew it was coming and it did. I now pay £425 and rising for road tax. So, I think to myself, a pain in the arse but just slam in the heavy suspension springs and hay presto. However the greedy B.......s who remain our rulers have decreed that all vehicles after 2000 are not eligible to have there tax status altered regardless of any modification. Therefore, if I understand there Machiavellian legislation correctly, you are best advised to buy a new hard top and convert to an estate with continued commercial taxation status rather than buy an of the shelf estate and get screwed on your road tax. How mad is that, or have I misunderstood…. again?
i tell you what lets let the goverment dicktate which cars we can have ie ford fiestas because there good for the enviroment wat a load of rubbish bring out the v8s minus hte cats
global warming is a load of bollocks ! when i was at school (early1980s) i was told we were heading for another ice age, about 8 years later it was acid rain that was going to kill the worlds crops and make us starve, about 8 years later it was a hole in the ozone that would give us all cancer and today we have globollocks warming that will kill all life on earth.
well if it is the 4x4 drivers that are destroying life as we know it what the hell is gormless brown gonna do about the thirty or so volcanoes that are erupting every day spewing millions of tons of sulpher dioxide, CO2 and a whole load of other poisonous gasses into the air ?
i read a report last week in the BBC news if the uk cut its CO2 emmisions by the 42% it claims it will do it will only affect the temprature change by 3000ths of a degree in total. so why the hell are we being penalised the most ? oh yea the uk is screwed and gormless needs more taxes with out raising tax !
global warming is a load of bollocks ! when i was at school (early1980s) i was told we were heading for another ice age, about 8 years later it was acid rain that was going to kill the worlds crops and make us starve, about 8 years later it was a hole in the ozone that would give us all cancer and today we have globollocks warming that will kill all life on earth.
well if it is the 4x4 drivers that are destroying life as we know it what the hell is gormless brown gonna do about the thirty or so volcanoes that are erupting every day spewing millions of tons of sulpher dioxide, CO2 and a whole load of other poisonous gasses into the air ?
i read a report last week in the BBC news if the uk cut its CO2 emmisions by the 42% it claims it will do it will only affect the temprature change by 3000ths of a degree in total. so why the hell are we being penalised the most ? oh yea the uk is screwed and gormless needs more taxes with out raising tax !

Global warming is caused by farting livestock, surely everone know that. :D
Lets not get too philisophical here guys....

oh sorry...

letts nit get 2 filisofical (for those in the know)

global warmin my arse!:mooning:
mines fookin freezin!:frusty: :mooning:

what about these re-cycling lorries goin around picking up paper,food waste,tins and glass they have there fookin engines running all day shirley that kicks out more co 2 than they save!?:eek:
I think ultimately stuff is gonna run out.

Well i'm just gonna find some new the way, my mate does seismic readings in various countries..for a massive oil company...they find so many places where theres oil that they just flag them and move on, not even registering them in the official 'reserves'.

Its all just lying there waiting...he says its all just **** to keep the price artificially high...therby ensuring shareholders, i.e, not you or me, get a good return each year and the company makes obscene profits.

And dont believe a word when they say its to ensure future research and developement...ha ha ha...cobblers, they use less than 5% on that.

Rant over......Mark
Well i'm just gonna find some new the way, my mate does seismic readings in various countries..for a massive oil company...they find so many places where theres oil that they just flag them and move on, not even registering them in the official 'reserves'.
Tis true.
I work in the oil industry for several Seismic and Oil companies and I've seen it with my own eyes. Maps full of reserves that are just waiting and not counted in the bigger picture. All in different countries just waiting to be extracted.
When I speak to the Geologists doing the surveys they all say we are only taking the easy 20% out of the ground at the current time.
I disagree with road tax in principle but surely the lesson here is to know what you're buying before you buy it! I reckon if you can afford an 06 plate defender you can afford the fookin road tax.
hey guys cant we all just walk everywhere:hippie: i went offroading the other day with my mates on foot it was great except that i got stuck in the mud n my mate threw me a rope n pulled me out, but i got a muddy tummy:(