I have an old LT77 gearbox which at the moment does not seem to like going into 3rd or reverse and sounds oh yes like an old coffee grinder. I am now looking for the bearings so I can have them replaced but am not sure about the parts no. As my car is from a changeover year I am wondering wheter the parts changed between 1983-1987 and whether the bearings are standard?
Also, does anyone know a good place for fast UK shipping ( as the parents are coming to Maroc they can bring us some good old spares) and what exactely we need to heal two noisy gears?
Many thanks!!!!
I have an old LT77 gearbox which at the moment does not seem to like going into 3rd or reverse and sounds oh yes like an old coffee grinder. I am now looking for the bearings so I can have them replaced but am not sure about the parts no. As my car is from a changeover year I am wondering wheter the parts changed between 1983-1987 and whether the bearings are standard?
Also, does anyone know a good place for fast UK shipping ( as the parents are coming to Maroc they can bring us some good old spares) and what exactely we need to heal two noisy gears?
Many thanks!!!!