Looking for my old Landrover

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New Member
Hi all

I’m looking to try and find my first car, which was a red Series 3 88” with a defender front end. Original registration was CFO 284V but was re-registered UAZ7504 before I sold it.

My brother has posted on here some years ago to try and find it but he had no luck, thought I’d give it one last shot.

Last seen in Liverpool around 20 years ago ( so I know it’s a long shot).

I would love to locate it and buy it back to pass on to my daughter for her first car so any help would be greatly appreciated.


theres no MOT history for UAZ7504, it went MOT exempt 4 years ago, so that doesnt look like its been on the road in over a decade :(
I’m holding out some slim hope that it still exists though as it is currently SORN’d and the logbook was last issued in September 2021.

Don’t mind if it’s off the road and needs work, would just like to buy it back if I could.

Thanks for the reply
i wish you luck!!
if you do a HPI check i think that tells you if a car has been written off or scrapped. the fact the V5 was changed in 2021 isnt too far in ancient history so theres always hope
do you have a pic? that might trigger someones memory, otherwise theres the series3 club :)
i wish you luck!!
if you do a HPI check i think that tells you if a car has been written off or scrapped. the fact the V5 was changed in 2021 isnt too far in ancient history so theres always hope
do you have a pic? that might trigger someones memory, otherwise theres the series3 club :)
Thanks again for the reply. I’ll have a picture somewhere, I’ll dig it out over the weekend and put it up. As you said, hopefully it may trigger someone’s memory. Thank you again, Steve
Whereas I wish you nothing but luck in your search, and it may be slightly different as it looks like the vehicle is not in current use, just be aware that no amount of money or historic stories could make me part with either, my 110 (first car I ever bought at 18 and still my daily driver) or, my series III (bought a couple of years later with my student loan payment and rebuilt with every subsequent loan payment). So even if you find it be prepared for the potential for a hard fought battle to try and get the current owner to part with it.

In terms of more useful advice I would certainly follow on from @kermit_rr advice of contacting the series III club. It also might be worth looking into what land rover clubs there are in Liverpool and contacting them. The Lincolnshire land rover club were very helpful with some history and the previous owner for the 110 that I bought for my son for his birth that had their club sticker in the window.
Whereas I wish you nothing but luck in your search, and it may be slightly different as it looks like the vehicle is not in current use, just be aware that no amount of money or historic stories could make me part with either, my 110 (first car I ever bought at 18 and still my daily driver) or, my series III (bought a couple of years later with my student loan payment and rebuilt with every subsequent loan payment). So even if you find it be prepared for the potential for a hard fought battle to try and get the current owner to part with it.

In terms of more useful advice I would certainly follow on from @kermit_rr advice of contacting the series III club. It also might be worth looking into what land rover clubs there are in Liverpool and contacting them. The Lincolnshire land rover club were very helpful with some history and the previous owner for the 110 that I bought for my son for his birth that had their club sticker in the window.
Thank you very much for the reply. I have posted on the Series 3 forum and will see if I have any luck on there.

I appreciate the chances of finding it let alone buying it back are slim but if you don’t try you’ll never know.

I’m hoping (as slim a chance as it is) that as it’s been off the road for a while the owner may be willing to sell it (again, if I can even locate it)

Thanks again for the reply
