L322 key won't re-program

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New Member
Have managed to reprogram one of the keys numerous times but recently unable to reprogram have tried all the various sequences out the to program
Any suggestions welcome
Viewing this from a purely electronics perspective (know nothing about L332's - sorry!)
re-programmings of limited memory devices (such as a key) has a limited number of re-prog's and eventually 'gives up'.
As you've reprog'd "numerous times". it may be Goosed!
-Or its just your bad luck and this one has given up the ghost!
Think so guess I m wondering if there is anyway of checking if there is a signal coming from the key without connecting to diagnostic
Why do you need to reprogram the key so many times? I've had a l322 for 4 years and never needed to reprogram. Was the key faulty and has now expired?

Have replaced the batteries in both keys but still won t re program
Are the keys generally reliable ? It's a 2004 done approx 125000 miles
Ensure the vehicle is unlocked and the driver and front passenger doors are closed.
Install a handset in the ignition switch, then turn the ignition switch to position I and back to position 0 in less than 5 seconds
Press and hold the unlock button. then press the lock button three times within 10 seconds.
Release both buttons.
the doors should now lock and then unlock if repeat with other plips (without switching the ign on) all plips must be done within 30 secs.

and yes as you know you can change the batt, I was thinking of something else.

If both LED's work and the above proceedure won't work with either plip I would look at the RF receiver next.