Kangaroo driving

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Hi all

I juts got my freelander back last week after being diagnosed with a faulty aircon pump and now when i'm holding it at speed and light throttle it starts bouncing forward and back. Almost like fuel cut . It will accelerate and idle ok but won't hold speed without bouncing like crazy.Any ideas?
Its a 2003 TD4

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pogo stick propshaft???

now on the serious side, does it happen at all speeds, all gears...
if it idles and revs up ok I guess it is not fuel line related
Idles ok. Happens in all gears. Not really noticable on acceleration but when you try and hold any speed it bounces like crazy.When you rev it at idle you get a nice plume of smoke
i have had 2 issues with mine that where similiar

Would not run properly between 1000 and 2000 rpm. in neutral, it would not hold revs between 1 and 2 k rpm. cleaning the EGR seemed to cure it.

The other time, it would rev to 3000rpm, as soon as the rpm got to 3000 it threw a cloud of black smoke out the back, the techo needle dropped to around 2000 rpm. Have the code read and it should the Crank Angle Position sensor. Changed the senor and that cured that one.
hi all. Just to revisit this. I haad it at a garage and they said faulty injectors.They were flow tested and found to be crap so were rebuilt and fitted along with new air filter and diagnostic done. It wasa grand for a week and now its happening again. Any other ideas?
had same problem up until a couple of weeks ago changed the throttle potentiometer now all is well until the next problem:rolleyes:
Thanks for the suggestions. A thing i ofrgot to mention was the blue puff of smoke on startup and lots of smoke when i rev it stationary. I had to jump start a car and had to rev the engine to get teh current up and the smoke was crazy.I have the bmw crank filter fitted but tha was 5 yeasr ago and not checked it since.