Is it just me or.....

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nah .. it's always been the case ..


you really ought to cut down on the ..

what with ideas like .. shakin' up your vcu for its health-sake ..


Yeh well and truly spat out there I don't think he'll be back tbh. What gets me is that when a newbie comes along as has some trouble "adjusting" I don't get involved in a thread I just PM them a copy pasted message about how this forum works and with a bunch of useful FL links so that they can get on with the banter and generally get involved with fixing their issues. Do the PM back? Do the fook, not so much as a thankee. Pisees me orf and I'm going to stop doing it as maybe 1 in 10 will say "oh thanks that helped, lol I'll put my flak jacket on and have fun then." They usually dissapear after they spit their dummy out.

I don't know why I bovver :mad:.
I don't know why I bovver

aint no point in getting stressed over it ..

plenty of ppl here appreciate what info you post .. i'm sure ..
could be a ton of reasons why there's no feedback 'thankyou' ..
computer / internet ineptitude .. tech issues .. person having stressed out day ..
they mean to respond later but life inteferes ect ect ad infinatum

i pm'd one individual re mechanical issues ..
they sent me a copy quote of what i wrote back .. with 'nowt else added ..
go figure :)

best to go with 'no expectations' .. 'n let sleeping dogs alone
'n carry on forward with your own projects ..
Fair enough, a lot of people coming here aren't web comms savvy and don't know unwritten rules of forums etc. But it is nice when you help solve someone problem :).
Yeh well and truly spat out there I don't think he'll be back tbh. What gets me is that when a newbie comes along as has some trouble "adjusting" I don't get involved in a thread I just PM them a copy pasted message about how this forum works and with a bunch of useful FL links so that they can get on with the banter and generally get involved with fixing their issues. Do the PM back? Do the fook, not so much as a thankee. Pisees me orf and I'm going to stop doing it as maybe 1 in 10 will say "oh thanks that helped, lol I'll put my flak jacket on and have fun then." They usually dissapear after they spit their dummy out.

I don't know why I bovver :mad:.

Dont stress - there's always folks that love a brand or product blindly (like us, also known as lunatics), then there's the haters, of course, and these two groups are the vocal ones. The rest, just want to drive about with auto central remote parking and self levelling GPS tyres and the like. :)
I agree.

Your either a Landy Owner who doesnt mind getting your hands dirty, or your a Landy Owner with a massive list of faults, a big garage bill and a chip on your shoulder.

The 1post wonders are generally the latter. Most of whom, post questions and never return to see answers anyway.
I don't have much mechanical knowledge to help people ( I only wish I had) but I do very much appreciate any help that I'm given ... I still consider myself as a newbie and probably always will so a big thanks from me :):)
I don't have much mechanical knowledge to help people ( I only wish I had) but I do very much appreciate any help that I'm given ... I still consider myself as a newbie and probably always will so a big thanks from me :):)

'Preciated man :), as S71 said you've done alright. We've had quite a few great guys (and some gals) join up lately, and to be fair we get more valued additions than dummy spitters, least in the FL section I don't visit the others much.

Vissie said:
Your either a Landy Owner who doesnt mind getting your hands dirty, or your a Landy Owner with a massive list of faults, a big garage bill and a chip on your shoulder.

Amen. I've only been on here since april but in that time I've learned fooking loads, and I've dealt wif pretty much every common Freelander problem, but I couldn't have done it without the help of this forum - that's part of the joy.
Some of the new peeps may not respond to pm's as they don't know how to use them. Could be they int got the email notifications enabled or their email peeps block the notification email saying it's spam. So they don't know it's there and don't come back if they've been picked on.
Some of the new peeps may not respond to pm's as they don't know how to use them. Could be they int got the email notifications enabled or their email peeps block the notification email saying it's spam. So they don't know it's there and don't come back if they've been picked on.

Yep, maybe I'll just start posting it in their freds. Long though :eek:.