Reet so I changed the oil today. . .so drive it bout 12miles [heat up oil ] jack up rear [fit safety jacks] undo front under pan, crack the filler bolt first [needed a 19mm wiff an extension as it wer phookin tight] undo drain 21mm [put container to catch old oil ] . . .old stuff looked like ****e un stank like slobs thunders, ok i measured how much un it wer 1ltr . . .LR RECOMMENDS 1.1LTRS ER 75/90 API GL5, , ,BOUGHT IT FROM HALFREDS HAD TA BUY TWO. . . .PUT DRAIN PLUG BACK WIFF NEW WASHER UN NIP UP [OR TAWK IF YER A WUS] ok so cut about 60cmtrs er 6mm tubing [got this from a home brew shop] it fits perfect in the container top, JUST PUSH ABOUT 25MM IN. . .get underneath and to rhs of filler by the bulk housing ,you can get enough height so as to be above the fill hole, put 6mm tube in filler hole and a small puncture hole in the BOTTOM of oil container ,then yer earths gravity will drain it for you [no need to squeeze ] will take about 10mins ,then do same wiff the 0.1, put plug back in and set on level ground,take plug out agin, and look for weeps if non add a tad more ,when happy put back plug wiff new washer ,nip up [or torque if use a wus] be very careful as its steel bolt to ally ,put yer bits back job done

the pic of my under cowell is fer mondo