Insurance for Series 2 LWB!

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Hey, Can Anyone help?!?

Im 17 years old and in a few weeks I will (hopefully) have past my driving test, I have a Series 2 LWB that I carnt wait to start driving except I'm having a really hard time trying to find reasonable insurance for it.
The cheapest quote I've managed to get so far is £1,900 with Norwitch Union which is rediculous as 1. I could never afford that as I am still in full time education 2. that quotes more money than the land rover is acctually worth.
Ive tried all the obvious Land Rover Insurance companies NFU, etc, Ive tried getting it as a classic car policy but they said they wont insure me till im 21.
It doesnt make scence why the quotes are so expensive as many insurance and Land Rover websites say the best car to get a young driver is a Land Rover.

Please!! there must be some one out there who knows where I can get reasonable Land Rover Insurance!!! I would be so so qreatful for any help or infromation any one can give me.
did you really expect to find someone who will insure a kid with no history or experience for pennies ?

get one of yer parents to add you to their ins, failing that get a longer paper round
I'm with footman james, with no no-claims i started a policy tpft at 19, cost me £420, when £640 at 18 for a quote.

Your best bet is to go with classic insurers, footman james are good like i said, just get a copy of a landy mag and look at all the insurance adverts, they work out cheaper than modern cars, youve just not looked hard enough!
fella, shall we spell it out...a cheap quote on ANYTHING when ur a)a bloke, b) a child and c) no experience IS SO FAR FETCHED I CANT BELIEVE UR ASKING!!

seriously do wa sean said, get named on ur folks policy, maybe somethin like TESCO which allows named drivers to build up a ncb, do that for a couple years then try again!

o and welcome
i started driveing august 07 in my series 1. I was with adrian flux I payed out £1600 first year, (this was cheapear than any hatchback)
I am afraid first year will br pricey what ever you are driveing!
Second year was £680 so it does get better if you dont crash!
Good luck!
Just tried CIS and Footman James, CIS wouldnt do me a quote at all and Footman James says not until im 25. Thanks Anyway.

To those of you talking to me as if im stupid, if you read my originl thread correctly you'd see I said 'Reasonable' not 'cheap' quote, I realise due to my age and inexperience that I will not get a 'next to nothing' quote but I do not justify paying £2000 a year for a car thats worth little more than £500 itself and yes I have tried getting a quote as a named driver on my parents insurance but insurance companies are getting wise to this and now most do not allow you to do this. So please, do your research first before you insult my intelligence.
lancaster were pretty good for me aswell. i'm 25 but i've only been driving for 2 1/2 years. i paid £300 with a relativly high mileage and commuting.
im 20 and pay £350 fully comprehensive with CIS for my Series 3 (2.25 diesel), before that was on my mums so thats probably your best bet get your mum and dad put on your insurance. When filling in your forms say ul pay a high excess in the event of an accident, say you got some security features, say you wont do a lot of miles etc and what ever you do dont crash or claim on the insurance (when you get it) or ul never be insured again until your 25!!! what size engine has your landy got? if its petrol you my want to look for a diesel that should bring it down a bit. Just keep searching and ul find one, but like everyones said before get your parents on your insurance and that should bring it down a lot! Good luck!
Hi I was 18 when I passed and drive a 90, most insurers and comparason sites were a joke, although i got a good deal with the nfu. Im around £400 for 3rd party with no no claims discount. However my dad is the main driver therefore I dont get any no claims discount, although at that price I dont care, and as im at uni during term time im taken off the insurance anyway as i leave the 90 at home.

Heres a link from a thread I started a while back, you might wanna pm Pos for more about cheep NFU insurance btw


I went with Ensleigh, I was 19 and had no no claims I paid £850 for my modified 90. Now im 24 the price is down to £400 with adrian flux due to yet more mods i was limited but I really want this to drop next year as I have had no accidents or any mishaps over about 65000 miles. Jai