Injection pump

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Keynsham bristol
Hi all,
read the info and watched the " how to " video on here so thought would take top off inj pump and move the diaphram as wanted a little bit more omph when pulling away , well done as it says loosen off screws/torq fasteners and gently lifted away the cover but on info etc says pop mark on diaphram should be located at 9 o clock looking from d/side wing ??
well mine was at approx 11 o/c near as cut out in lower casting and when lifted out witness mark was on the low point of the pin so have turned it 90 degrees so on higher point of pin , is this correct ???
sorry if this has already been asked / posted but couldnt see it and just want to check was right :confused::confused::confused:

thanks for any honest comments to this
further to my earlier post on this i have driven a fair few miles with the mod as posted but cant seem to feel any differance ???
maybe something is a miss or is it not that noticable ??
all honest replies please !!!!

know it may get a few silly comments but they will be treated with the comtept they deserve !!!
thanks in advance for any advice on this