Hi All , Being new to Defenders I was easily swayed by the numerous posts on various forums along the lines of " I towed a church across Namibia without any fan whatsoever and it was absolutely fine " . So after I fitted my new 300tdi cylinder head ( to cure my " Coolant Gushing " problem ) I set off on a drive around my local area , including getting caught at a few sets of traffic lights . Not a good idea . It was clear that the engine was getting on the hot side , lets just say the heater was getting way too efficient . It was at this point I realized my temperature gauge was telling me porkies , registering 2/3rds on the white anywhere from lukewarm upwards . So I refitted the fan and what a difference . Town or country , fast or slow , even after 20 miles no overheating . I have come to the conclusion that the 300tdi is not water cooled or air cooled . It's wairter cooled ! An odd thing about it is that the newly re-cored rad only gets warm across the top , with or without the fan . I used an infra red laser thermometer on the fanned engine after a 20 mile run , I got temperatures of approx 60c from the side of the head , around 50 from the heater hoses , 47 from the top hose , 82 from the temperature sender , as for the rad it wasn't even worth pointing the thing at it . If anyone has any thoughts/opinions on this I would like to hear them .