Hurricane hits Billing

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A freak mini hurricane has hit the LRE Show at Billing Aquadrome.

A large tree fell onto the Trailmasters display, early reports say one
vehicle written off. Gazeebos flying, broken flagpoles devastation in
the camping area, many ambulances reported on site.

Health and Safety Executive on their way.

Hope nobody is seriously hurt - apart from the pockets of the
profiteering organisers who cram punters in like sardines and show
absolutely no regard for safety.

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Mother wrote:
> A freak mini hurricane has hit the LRE Show at Billing Aquadrome.

Citation ? No sign on BBC news web yet.

Steve Taylor <[email protected]> uttered summat worrerz
funny about:
> Mother wrote:
>> A freak mini hurricane has hit the LRE Show at Billing Aquadrome.

> ****.
> Citation ? No sign on BBC news web yet.
> Steve

Kinel! We would have been there but for me being skint and Little'un being
invited to a party. Only for the day mind.

Lee D

Mother" <"@ {mother} @ wrote:
> A freak mini hurricane has hit the LRE Show at Billing Aquadrome.
> A large tree fell onto the Trailmasters display, early reports say
> one vehicle written off. Gazeebos flying, broken flagpoles
> devastation in the camping area, many ambulances reported on site.
> Health and Safety Executive on their way.
> Hope nobody is seriously hurt - apart from the pockets of the
> profiteering organisers who cram punters in like sardines and show
> absolutely no regard for safety.

Crikey, any reports online or Tv etc?

Nige <[email protected]> uttered summat worrerz funny
> Mother" <"@ {mother} @ wrote:
>> A freak mini hurricane has hit the LRE Show at Billing Aquadrome.
>> A large tree fell onto the Trailmasters display, early reports say
>> one vehicle written off. Gazeebos flying, broken flagpoles
>> devastation in the camping area, many ambulances reported on site.
>> Health and Safety Executive on their way.
>> Hope nobody is seriously hurt - apart from the pockets of the
>> profiteering organisers who cram punters in like sardines and show
>> absolutely no regard for safety.

> Crikey, any reports online or Tv etc?

Few piccys floating around the Mudclub forum.

Lee D

Just as well I decided not to go today, mind you we had some strong winds
here for a while too.

Series 3 rust and holes

"Mother" <"@ {mother} @"> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> A freak mini hurricane has hit the LRE Show at Billing Aquadrome.
> A large tree fell onto the Trailmasters display, early reports say one
> vehicle written off. Gazeebos flying, broken flagpoles devastation in
> the camping area, many ambulances reported on site.
> Health and Safety Executive on their way.
> Hope nobody is seriously hurt - apart from the pockets of the
> profiteering organisers who cram punters in like sardines and show
> absolutely no regard for safety.
> --
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On 22/07/2006 16:02, Mother wrote:
> A freak mini hurricane has hit the LRE Show at Billing Aquadrome.
> A large tree fell onto the Trailmasters display, early reports say one
> vehicle written off. Gazeebos flying, broken flagpoles devastation in
> the camping area, many ambulances reported on site.
> Health and Safety Executive on their way.
> Hope nobody is seriously hurt - apart from the pockets of the
> profiteering organisers who cram punters in like sardines and show
> absolutely no regard for safety.

Me and Bec were going to go, actually got in the car and started to go -
but then i realised that it was stupid to pay £20 to get in to get a £5
part, so we went to the Next sale instead :(

The weather changed in about 1 minute, from sunny to torrential downpour
and very strong winds!

I hope that everyone at billing is ok, and that the organisers pay a lot
more attention to H/S next time....

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On Sun, 23 Jul 2006 11:32:22 +0100, Mark Solesbury
<[email protected]> wrote:

>On 22/07/2006 16:02, Mother wrote:
>> A freak mini hurricane has hit the LRE Show at Billing Aquadrome.
>> A large tree fell onto the Trailmasters display, early reports say one
>> vehicle written off. Gazeebos flying, broken flagpoles devastation in
>> the camping area, many ambulances reported on site.
>> Health and Safety Executive on their way.
>> Hope nobody is seriously hurt - apart from the pockets of the
>> profiteering organisers who cram punters in like sardines and show
>> absolutely no regard for safety.

>Me and Bec were going to go, actually got in the car and started to go -
>but then i realised that it was stupid to pay £20 to get in to get a £5
>part, so we went to the Next sale instead :(
>The weather changed in about 1 minute, from sunny to torrential downpour
> and very strong winds!
>I hope that everyone at billing is ok, and that the organisers pay a lot
>more attention to H/S next time....

I'm a willing critic of Billing and the individual who makes so much
money from it. But..

Is it being suggested that the organisers were somehow negligent in
placing stalls within the falling-radius of established trees at a
time when nobody expected high winds?

This incident sounds like a genuine accident being seized upon by
those who, quite rightly in my view, feel that the whole Billing
setup is a major accident waiting to happen.


Tim Hobbs

'58 Series 2 88" aka "Stig"
'03 Volvo V70
'06 Nissan Navara aka "The Truck"
On Sun, 23 Jul 2006 11:42:29 +0100, Tim Hobbs <[email protected]> wrote:

>Is it being suggested that the organisers were somehow negligent in
>placing stalls within the falling-radius of established trees at a
>time when nobody expected high winds?
>This incident sounds like a genuine accident being seized upon by
>those who, quite rightly in my view, feel that the whole Billing
>setup is a major accident waiting to happen.

No doubt those attending will top up the information over the next few
days, however, the reports I've had indicated that the tree which fell
on (poorly fated) Trailmasters was rotton to the core. This should
really have been picked up earlier by the site owners - or by the risk
assessment (if indeed there was one) conducted by the organiser of the
LRE Show.

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On Saturday 22 July 2006 16:02, Mother ["@ {mother} @"] wrote in
message <[email protected]>

> A freak mini hurricane has hit the LRE Show at Billing Aquadrome.
> A large tree fell onto the Trailmasters display, early reports say one
> vehicle written off. Gazeebos flying, broken flagpoles devastation in
> the camping area, many ambulances reported on site.
> Health and Safety Executive on their way.
> Hope nobody is seriously hurt - apart from the pockets of the
> profiteering organisers who cram punters in like sardines and show
> absolutely no regard for safety.

Sound familiar?
On Sun, 23 Jul 2006 17:25:33 +0100, PDannyD <[email protected]> said:


In other freak weather related news:

Two killed as inflatable "artwork" takes off at Riverside Park,
Chester-le-Street, County Durham.

Alan J. Wylie
"Perfection [in design] is achieved not when there is nothing left to add,
but rather when there is nothing left to take away."
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
I think that the biggest H&S risk at Billing is fire. I find it
outrageous that the tents are so crammed in together. This is no blame
to be levelled at LRE for the fallen tree, it looks like 'one of those
things. But they are responsible for it...

The tree was rotton. It was behind the mud-club stand and the ground was
undisturbed. The roots were not connected when it went over....apparently
all trees were checked and tagged a year I think the land owners
can expect a bill.


IS everyone ok from the people that camped at the show after Saturday’s weather change?
I was caught up in the photo centre from the off roading it was a nightmare with the rain and very high winds we thought it was a mini tornado what does every one else think it was.

I heard some people got killed and saw a land rover had a tree up lifted on to its roof.
Email me [email protected] and let me know what you thought it was.
On Mon, 24 Jul 2006 10:01:46 +0100, "Neil Brownlee"
<[email protected]> scribbled the following

>The tree was rotton. It was behind the mud-club stand and the ground was
>undisturbed. The roots were not connected when it went over....apparently
>all trees were checked and tagged a year I think the land owners
>can expect a bill.

it had a tag on it saying it had been inspected in 2006. It was
removed shortly after it fell.......

Simon Isaacs

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)

ROT13 me....
On Sat, 22 Jul 2006 16:02:57 +0100, Mother <"@ {mother} @">
scribbled the following nonsense:

>A freak mini hurricane has hit the LRE Show at Billing Aquadrome.
>A large tree fell onto the Trailmasters display, early reports say one
>vehicle written off. Gazeebos flying, broken flagpoles devastation in
>the camping area, many ambulances reported on site.
>Health and Safety Executive on their way.
>Hope nobody is seriously hurt - apart from the pockets of the
>profiteering organisers who cram punters in like sardines and show
>absolutely no regard for safety.

I have plenty of pictures of the devastation, will get them sorted out
soon. Had a somewhat disjointed Billing, with having to take the
trailer down Thursday, drive back to work on Friday, and then leave
Billing at 01:00 Sunday morning because my grandad had fallen ill. Got
to the hospital in time to watch him slip away, before having to drive
back and collect the trailer on Sunday afternoon.....

When a certain person was asked the question about what was going to
happen, he said it was only minor, and nobody had been hurt....
Explain the ambulances flying around and the people rushed to
Northampton General..... I would call the organiser a c*nt but at
least they have a use.....

Show seemed empty when we arrived back on Sunday, lots of traders had
****ed off home either because of damaged stands or stock, or lack of
care by organisers. Took over 2hours before anyone got round to
checking if our stand was okay. Granted its a large trade area, but
they could have chucked loads of people at checking it.... One chap
who camps with GLASS every year and travels from Germany said he would
never return to Billing, as did many others, it wasn't the weather,
just the attitude of our "friend" who organises the show......

Lots of traders not there this year, eg Simmonites, Rocky Mountain,
didn't see several others either. Hada chat with some of the traders
who I count as friends and they were seriously thinking of dropping

Needless to say, there were the usual chavs driving around to 4am,
****ed out of their brains, thievery, fights etc.....

Hate the sodding show......

Simon Isaacs

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)

ROT13 me....