How to fix driver's window in a Suzuki Sidekick JX 1991????

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Rodolfo Quesada


This is my first post, and is about my first car (I'm 21), I bought it
a month ago, today I replaced the battery because it was giving a lot
of trouble with the alarm system (One day it stopped the car and
triggered the alarm right in my neighbor street!!!).

After replacing the battery I filled the gas tank and took a two hour
trip through the worst streets here in Costa Rica's mountains (Exactly
through San Rafael, Barva and Bosque de la Hoja's street, for those
who has visited this country), running at full four wheel drive and
jumping from pond to rocks one second to the other.

Of course here is very hot, and we're in summer, so I naturally opened
the window and when I came back to my house and tried to close it
back, the hand opener (I don't know exactly how to spell it in
english, well, that little thing to open or close manually the window)
stopped working!!! Just as if it's gears were inexistant... I'm trying
to take out the vinyl cover to fix it, or at least close the window,
but I'm unable to take the "hand opener" out of its place...

I ordered a user service manual, but it hasn't arrived, and I was
planning to take a longer trip tomorrow with my family to Orosi in
Cartago (About 100 miles from my house through many side streets), but
I can't until I fix the window...

Does somebody has experience with this kind of cars??? I will check
this group, but I'm not suscribed to any news server, so I'm using
google for this task, anyhow, you can contact me at: rquesada 'at' eml
'dot' cc


Rodolfo Quesada

> stopped working!!! Just as if it's gears were inexistant... I'm trying
> to take out the vinyl cover to fix it, or at least close the window,
> but I'm unable to take the "hand opener" out of its place...
> I ordered a user service manual, but it hasn't arrived, and I was
> planning to take a longer trip tomorrow with my family to Orosi in
> Cartago (About 100 miles from my house through many side streets), but
> I can't until I fix the window...
> Does somebody has experience with this kind of cars??? I will check
> this group, but I'm not suscribed to any news server, so I'm using
> google for this task, anyhow, you can contact me at: rquesada 'at' eml
> 'dot' cc
> Thanks!
> Rodolfo Quesada

Usually they have a c-clip on the back side you can get at with a big
flat screwdriver or there is a fork shaped tool made for it. You pop
that clip off and the handle slides off the splined shaft.
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