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New Member
Pretoria South Africa
Hi all,

My name is Philip but will appear on this site as Puffy - (the name of my Landy) I live in Pretoria, South Africa and love the outdoor life. I have travelled about 165 000 km with my Tdi over the past 5 years and she's only given me joy.

I look forward to learn from you guys and will share what I know since Puffy and I have bonded quite well the last couple of years!

Kind regards
interesting assumption!
Maybe I just dont work - and my lifelong ambition is to help poor unfortunates with Land Rovers.

Or I might just be using this forum to make friends.
"Poor unfortunates" ?? a friend of mine said that us Landy owners are the unfortunate ones with expansive repair bills and unreliable vehicles. I must say, Ihave only had joy with mine and do her servicing myself. Change her oil & oil filter every 5000 kms and use Caltex Delo 400.

As far as the assumption goes, I've always been a sucker for it and have ended up with my foot in my mouth a couple of times.
Aye well we do seem to attract tossers from all over the world including the UK but they soon get told. Other than that we're quite a friendly bunch really. If you've got a good sense of humour you'll get on fine.
Well, with the rugby we got the poms going home with a few things to think about. If you don't have a sense of humour you shouldn't drive a landy! Bushtoy, they don't understand "bliksem" or "stukkend" so maybe you should translate in boere brits!