Hi all,
Ive just come from 4 yrs of Integra type R ownership and bought a 96 300tdi commercial disco in silver.
Its covered 120k and is pretty tatty inside, but the boot floor has no rust and the chassis / mounting points all look good. I am looking fwd to doing it up over the next few months and will be looking for advice/pointers from you guys
my initial list is:
-gear selector spring replacement
-Steering tighten up - I think track rod ends etc (not too sure tho)
-cosmetics - the front seats are really worn and the handbrake / gearlever gator are both split so will replace them and the dash is pretty worn / minging aswell - but I think these are all relitively cheap fixes as long as I get spares from breakers / forums and get my hands dirty

Ive just come from 4 yrs of Integra type R ownership and bought a 96 300tdi commercial disco in silver.
Its covered 120k and is pretty tatty inside, but the boot floor has no rust and the chassis / mounting points all look good. I am looking fwd to doing it up over the next few months and will be looking for advice/pointers from you guys
-gear selector spring replacement
-Steering tighten up - I think track rod ends etc (not too sure tho)
-cosmetics - the front seats are really worn and the handbrake / gearlever gator are both split so will replace them and the dash is pretty worn / minging aswell - but I think these are all relitively cheap fixes as long as I get spares from breakers / forums and get my hands dirty