Help required

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Dummy Ejection Facilitator..
in Baron Wet Bum's Slave pit..
Mrs B is stuck in Hayle with nolights and needs a light stalk for her disco 1. if anyone is in the area and has one to spare that they can get to her today can you PM me. Cheers
well Cap'n Chaos lives there as does anuvva good friend of hers (which i guess is why she's down there) both of whom have lots of Landy nollij, and would certainly be able to help out - do you want me to give CC a ring?
Nah tis deffo not a windup am working at the mo and got laptop on site. She txt'd me this morn to ask If I'd post on ere. if anyone can help be greatly appreciated and yes it is hayle in Cornwall.
Not got the parts ....... sold me last stalk to bustrucket weeks ago :(

Just tried ringing her and mobiles switched off????? :(
I fink she was getting a bit worried as her visa runs out at midnight. and she dunt want to have ta sneak out of pastyland wiv no lights. Ya never know what strange beasts might be roaming the moors down there..