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De Villes Advocaat
Can anyone direct me to a timing chain and sprocket swap over.

I am sure such a fine site as this has several step by step links but I cant find one. Probably coz Im a bit numb. :confused:

Managed to strip Henry down to his undies today with all his timing nasties on show but my bottles gone a bit. :eek:

Took me an hour to find the EP mark on the flywheel and check and re check that it was the right mark and it was bob on. Hard when you cant get yer ed anywhere near it.

Any road up Im all ready to order the stuff (now Ive had a look) and dive in on my week off work (next week).
The service/ workshop manual (Section 12-32) will tell you to remove the radiator support frame (metal) and the radiator itself so that you have proper access to the front of the engine. Otherwise as you say you are straining to get access from either the top or underneath. You will need a special extract tool remove the flywheel from the camshaft (Part 507231). Are u sure u want to do this yerself? Personally I'd get my local landy garage to do something like this, unless u have a good workshop and time to do the job. Also need the parts manual for corect spec parts.
Knowing a few pro mechanics I'd rather get a vet to do it. :eek: :D

Front panel is off. Rad out. timing cover off. Its the flywheel window I had trouble seeing through. That and the cover had been left open for god knows how long so I had to read through all the rust and crap. I have a set of gear pullers at the ready for the sprockets just need to get my head round the dial gauge bit on rocker 1. That and the fact I'm sure I read that at EP valves 1 & 2 should be fully open and their not. :confused: