hand primer will not pump fuel out of fuel filter.

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army ambulance

New Member
hello there

I wanted to prime any air out of my fuel pipes so i opened the fuel inlet (union pipe) to the fuel fitter. and pumped the hand lever but no fuel came out.

So i guess this means my hand pimer is broken? could it be anything else?

If it is, what are the changes that i can take the pump off and look for faults easily, I cant get parts easily so i would need to put it back on and will it then be able to get fuel into the engine again before i get the part i need?

Any ideas?

also check pipes for air leaks as if you are sucking air in before the pump you wont get no fuel..
Instal a fuel priming bulb, between fuel filter and lift pump. Never need to use the hand primer ever again, makes changing the fuel filter a pleasure:D
But as the guys say, gotta get the cam in the right place before it will pump.
Great thanks
what is the 'right' position for the camshaft lobe?
Or do you mean the right not the left :)

The camshaft lobe presses on the pump mechanism just as the hand lever does. If the cam lobe happens to be pressing the pump down when the engine stops, then pressing the lever will do nothing. Turn the engine over a bit either with the starter or by hand, then try again. Hopefully the lobe will be in a better position where its not pressing the pump so the hand lever will be able to instead.