G'day folks,
I keep coming up against a bit of a brick wall on this one.
I've got to "glue" in a new rear crankshaft seal on my 3mb (three main bearing) diesel engine. This seal comes with a cut in it so you can get it round the crank. Once fitted it needs to be glued.
Green book specifies a Hylomar product that does not seem to exist. The closest I can find is a solvent free "aerograde" PL32...
...all would be good if I could frigging order this stuff. But being on the wrong side of the English channel means I can only pay 50 euros of a tube of this stuff from Australia...
...Ho Lee F***...
...just silly.
So I was thinking - there has to be a better way. There has to be an alternative product.
Ideally something that goes along with the anal solvent free ideal that I assume has been set by Land Rover.
Help before I get fed up and just super glue the bugger in place!
I keep coming up against a bit of a brick wall on this one.
I've got to "glue" in a new rear crankshaft seal on my 3mb (three main bearing) diesel engine. This seal comes with a cut in it so you can get it round the crank. Once fitted it needs to be glued.
Green book specifies a Hylomar product that does not seem to exist. The closest I can find is a solvent free "aerograde" PL32...
...all would be good if I could frigging order this stuff. But being on the wrong side of the English channel means I can only pay 50 euros of a tube of this stuff from Australia...
...Ho Lee F***...
...just silly.
So I was thinking - there has to be a better way. There has to be an alternative product.
Ideally something that goes along with the anal solvent free ideal that I assume has been set by Land Rover.
Help before I get fed up and just super glue the bugger in place!