freelander '99 switching off in motion

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New Member
Hi all, am not tired yet in asking for assistance,
my freelander switched off on me while i was driving,
i checked the fuel pump its running,fuel presssure all the way to nossle chember is good, primary lead from the coil the distributer is firing, - it was a sudden stop followed by all the lights on the dash board!, could it be immobilser? should i change the alarm system?
pllllzzzz help

get the connections to the bottom of the engine bay fuse box checked - they corrode and cause intermittent failure. sometimes the radio and lights continue to work tho.
Hi all, i checked further on my snag and bingo! i found the distributer cap center lead held by a spring - totally worn out,almost finished- dashed to Land rover dealer and purchased new plug leads with the cap..... fitted, tested and the prob still the joy ended there!,
how many volts should come to the ignition coil? am reading 4vdc at the harness plug... is this suficient or should it be 12v? the suggestion of loose plug or corrosion on plugs sounds good and likely.... thank you very much for your reply will try that and get back!

