Freelander 2

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Hi there, i am writing looking for some advice if possible,

so i bought a L/R Freelander2 td4 june 2022, in Nov 2022 it passed the MOT with no advisories, so recently it started putting oil out of it and leaving it needing to be topped up with oil, i took it to a local garage for them to tell me that it needed a new sump, i managed to purchase a new sump off ebay which is fine, then my wife looked around for someone to fit it for us as i didn't have the tools to do the job.

*ping* a message pops through from someone that does gardening that says they can do the job, so we arranged a date for them to come and fit the sump for us, we bought instant gasket for it which we think is standard as we cannot find a proper gasket for it anywhere,
the man came and done the job and charged us £110 for the whole job that was grand we thought yes it is all fixed but to no avail with in a couple of days there was a bigger puddle of oil all over the road so contacted the guy again and he said yes he would come and have a look, just before he came to the house i took the sump tray off the vehicle and checked the sump plug to find out it was running around in my finger and thumb so he came to the house with more oil and to see what the problem is now with the vehicle. he filled the oil up so he could see where the leak was coming from and saw where it was dripping from. He decided to go on and tell me that it needs more instant gasket around it to seal it but said that the oil that he put in should last a week approximately. so that was fine away he went and left us with it, today wife and me went out to run a really important errand but upon starting the l/r white smoke was pouring out of the exhaust. so told wife stop vehicle and we came into the house and messaged the man again but as soon as we messaged he blocked us straight away, so i have messaged his facebook business page and he wont even acknowledge any of the messsages sent nor will he refund the monies paid to him, he said that the oil he filled the l/r up with yesterday is all we are getting.

can anyone give me some advice on what to do next as cannot drive the l/r due to the thurbo making it blow white smoke from the exhaust and also the under bearings also making loud noises from the engine area.
Unfortunately it sounds like the engine has failed due to lack of oil.
An engine with an oil leak bad enough to cover the ground underneath shouldn't have been started.

You seem to have been stung by someone who clearly wasn't competent to do the job. The sump isn't even sealed with silicone.
The correct sealer is called Three Bond and needs handling very carefully as it's a powerful carcinogenic.

Unfortunately you'll now have a substantial repair bill to replace the engine, or cut your losses and sell the vehicle as spares or repairs.

Why didn't you get the garage that identified the issue to fix it?
reason the garage didnt do the land rover is because they had said there was a hole in the old sump in which my wife went and bought another sump but after taking the old sump off there was nothing wrong with it just a leaking gasket plus garage wanted around £800 to do the sump which is expensive if im honest.
I see that you posted last November asking for a sump pan. Have you been driving it all that time with the leak !?!?!?
because they had said there was a hole in the old sump in which my wife went and bought another sump but after taking the old sump off there was nothing wrong with it just a leaking gasket plus garage wanted around £800 to do the sump which is expensive if im honest
You can check the sump yourself very easily, if you can get underneath.

What gasket was leaking? I ask because there are very few gaskets on this engine, it's all sealed with sealers, and is generally leak resistant.
with it just a leaking gasket plus garage wanted around £800 to do the sump which is expensive if im honest.

But a business has to provide a warranty, so you would have been protected should an issue happen after the work was done.
Now you've got a broken engine, and no chance of getting it repaired without paying considerably more than £800.
the guy came back out and checked and said that it is the sump gasket that is leaking again so obviously he didnt do it properly to start with, then he over filled it with oil and the turbo has packed in altogether
the guy came back out and checked and said that it is the sump gasket that is leaking again so obviously he didnt do it properly to start with, then he over filled it with oil and the turbo has packed in altogether

If he didn't use the correct sealant for the sump, then it will leak. LR specify a particular (Three Bond) sealant for a reason. Also both the sump and block need to be meticulously cleaned with brake cleaner before the sealant is applied.

As for the oil level causing turbo failure, that's unlikely.