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Anyone make any suggestions on replacing the footwells on a series 3.
Both are rot, but the rest is pretty solid. Nothing i can't do myself.
The way i see it i've got three options:

1. Pay a garage to do it. They'll probably monkey it up tho.

2. Pay a specialist to do it. Who may or may not monkey it up.

3. Do it myself. Then i won't care so much if i monkey it up.

Option 3 will take ages tho. as i recently lost my storage it's now off the road but access around it is almost nil and it is outside. It also means making it immobile if i decide to do it properly rather than cut out the rot by removing the wings and pedals. I have access to welding equipment but it's been over ten years since i've done any.

Long term i'd like to do a resto but the chassis is minty and the bulkhead is pretty solid as well so it seems a shame to mess about too much with it for the sake of a bit of rust.

Suppose i'm after ideas and moral support.
paying someone to do it would be ok if you stripped the bulkhead off yourself - unless they can be welded in situ - i was recently quoted on top of buying a new(restored) galvanised bulkhead from a specialist, £400 to paint it and £1,300 for labour to take the old one off and put the new one on.

so i think i will take mine off myself and take it to someone to be patched. It probably needs footwells it certainly needs both parts round the drivers door hinges doing.
You can get replacements from YRM for about £20 a piece. I've got one kicking around waiting to go in mine but I patched it quickly before MOT least year. A complete #### to do but has held - thin metal upside down...selve full of blobs of weld.

Should be relatively simple job for any jobbing mechanic, drivers side a bit more complicated due to pedals and steering but easy enough to get at once the wing's off
was in the same position a couple of weeks ago. Had just purchased Series 111, needed footwells. Bottom of A Column bad and top of door fell off.- bottom was not that good either. (Other than that it was in good shape. Bought door and footwells from Craddocks. Crash specialist put them in. Price for Labour you listed above seems high.
Very pleased with work plus they sealed also.
Labour sounds average to me. I had some bigger quotes when I was getting a new galv bulkhead put in last year. If you reckon on it being a 3-4 day job say, and average labour charges £50 an hour at many garages, it soon adds up! I found a more reasonable Landy specialist at £35 per hour rate in the end.
Yeah but there is always something else to do ....wiring to fix etc. all places I tried put the labour at about 24 hours ish. That is one day to most of us, but a garage on an 8 hour day....3 days
Seems a bit extreme taking the entire bulkhead out to weld in new footwells, half decent welders should be readily avalable for sub £50 per hour, why not do the do prep work like removing the floor panels, mud sheilds etc maybe even cut the rot out yourself (most of us can handle a angle grinder upside down)! Should save you a fair bit of the labour cost
Hello again all. Thanks for all the replys! I was going to take the wings off myself. The passengers side alloy floor is already out. As i said, the bulkhead is solid, it's just the footwells that have rot and the bottom of the a pillar on the driver's side that needs a patch.

I am in Kent (at the moment).

I didn't really want to start messing about with taking the wings off until i had sorted storage out as access around it is bad as the driveway is in use all the time.

To join in; If i was going to do a bulkhead change, i'd do the chassis as well.

Forgot to say, i've already got the replacement footwells. They've been living in the shed over the winter so not sure what condition they are in.
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