Eberspächer D2

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New Member
Are they worth the cash ?

I live in Sweden, and its often cold enough to freeze the B*lls of a Moose in the winter. Having said that , I live in the southern part of Sweden so its only like this for a month or so.
As we all know, the heater system in the defender was not build by anyone wanting it to work...so I was thinking of fitting a Eberspacher D2.

I have seen a lot of used Eberspacher D1 `s for sale quite a bit cheaper. What are the differences ( apart from it beng the latest model ).
Is it really better in any way ? is it noticable ?

Basically Id like to treat my Landy to a nice cosy morning before I start the poor thing, and then have it warm in the cab :)

answers on a postacard to....
If you have a mains connection you can fit a heater in the cooling system which makes the engine/cooling system hot'n'ready for the morning.
Can't remember the make but there are at least two made.
Eberspachers work very well indeed, I have the older model that you can repair yourself, the newer one requires special PC tools to set it up so I'm told. I also have a old but new Webasto petrol heater designed to heat the engine compartment first then the cab, out of a eastern block military vehicle I think, frightens me to death! Pumps out at least 3KW of heat, I think it was petrol because diesel would be "lumpy" at -30 degrees!!
Thanx for the input Yella Disco, and for yours too luggsey. So the d2 needs a NASA technician, and the d1 needs a roll of gaffa tape, a lemon squeezer and a hammer ? hmmmmmm
Hmmm me thinks, its not the defender 300 tdi you are referring to ? ( as its not actually "attached", although she is very fond of it ) :)

Here you go Yella ;)


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