Door stuck locked!

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Active Member
There's no denying it, defenders really do have innovative ways to make your life difficult!

Todays issue is that the drivers door is locked shut. No amount of fiddling the locks inside or out will make the damn thing open.

The barrel in the door turns with the key, the internal lock moves up and down with resistance if you move it by hand, but not with the key.

The inside handle is very slack like it is not connected, but then I should still be able to open in from the outside, so I assume the lock is not disengaging.

How is best to proceed from here, as I look ridiculous climbing in and out from the passenger door!

How can I get the door open to investigate the problem? If certain responses are likely to pose a security risk to other defenders feel free to message me instead. I don't mind damaging the door card too much as its not in the best condition.


Had the same problem the other day, what a pain in the arse!!
Managed to pull the door card away far enough to get my hand into the lock mech and basically fiddle around inside whilst having someone on the outside "jiggle" the key in the lock. After a great deal of swearing and some grazed knuckles i think i just got lucky and heard the clunk as the lock disengaged.
With the door open and the card fully off it's a lot easier to then see what's what.
I think my problem was gunk jamming up the lock mech meaning no amount of brute force would unlock it. Gave it a liberal dose of brake cleaner, cleaned it all up and regreased all moving parts in sight and everything seems all ok now
Right I have this issue from time to time. If you take door off and look at lock mechanism. There a little lever at the back. Lift it. Dunno whether its a spring or something popped out but when it drops the Landy deadlocks.

If only I knew how to do it intentionally for security
Thanks for the suggestions.

I have freed it. The rod that connects the door lock to the barrel lock was bent, stopping it from disengaging properly, a prod with a screw driver to free the lock and straightening out the rod has resulted in an opening door.
I think that my doors must be communicating somehow - my drivers door was stuck. Then the passenger door decided to do the same, got angry with the drivers side and it started working again. Haven't bothered too much with the passenger side; the wife can climb over and the dog doesn't care