Does your TD5 misfire when warm?

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It's a pity that Injector Harness fitting instruction hadn't been proof-read before being published.

There are some glaring language errors in it, such as "your" meaning "you are", which should be "you're" as we all know.

It is such a good piece, but a pity it's spoiled by poor written English.

It is our own language after all, so we should be able to write it down correctly.

Or, am I being an old fussy bastard?

It's a pity that Injector Harness fitting instruction hadn't been proof-read before being published.

There are some glaring language errors in it, such as "your" meaning "you are", which should be "you're" as we all know.

It is such a good piece, but a pity it's spoiled by poor written English.

It is our own language after all, so we should be able to write it down correctly.

Or, am I being an old fussy bastard?


I wouldn't say YOUR being fussy.;)


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Hi guys, my td5 misfires and has all of these three symptoms. There is no oil in the plug or the ecu. Where els do you recommend i look for the problem?
My td5 runs sluggish changed the fuel filter.airflow mass meter.cleaned the actuator at the turbo put a new air filter on it but a unplugged the ecu to find oil in the red plug do any of yous recommend changing the injector harness as i have heard this could be the problem running out of ideas here thanks guys
Thanks buddy cheers it was really oily when a removed it and the plug going into the harness do you think i might need an new ecu if a open it up and find its coated with oil as a found out i might need a new one and programmed
A diagnostic check will show if the problem is the ECU or not. By all means open it up and clean out any oil with a suitable solvent (I favour brake or carb cleaner as contact cleaner seems to leave a residue), but don't condemn it unless you have evidence that the ECU is the issue. The chances are it will be fine. You do need to change the injector harness though; the issue is such a characteristic of the TD5 that changing it at a suitable interval is almost a service requirement.
If this does not cure your sluggishness then you need to get a diagnostic check and look at the live data - MAF vs MAP data, injector performance etc. If nothing shows up then fuel pressure might be your issue and you will need put a fuel pressure gauge into the high pressure line to see if the pump output is correct.
Hi all, I have a similar issue which just started occurring recently after running perfectly! My car is a Disco 2 TD5 manual with 203k on the clock. She starts and idles with no issue however there is white exhaust smoke when revved. I can drive at low speed with no visible smoke or misfiring but as soon as I start to increase load the misfiring and rough running starts and will only rev to a certain level. I have replaced the injector harness and gasket and have cleaned the red Ecu plug and socket which did have oil in it but it has made no difference. I haven’t cleaned inside the Ecu as I don’t have a tool to open it. I have ordered new glow plugs and MAF sensor hoping if I replace these it will solve the issue! Has anyone else had this issue and found any other causes please?
Hi all, I have a similar issue which just started occurring recently after running perfectly! My car is a Disco 2 TD5 manual with 203k on the clock. She starts and idles with no issue however there is white exhaust smoke when revved. I can drive at low speed with no visible smoke or misfiring but as soon as I start to increase load the misfiring and rough running starts and will only rev to a certain level. I have replaced the injector harness and gasket and have cleaned the red Ecu plug and socket which did have oil in it but it has made no difference. I haven’t cleaned inside the Ecu as I don’t have a tool to open it. I have ordered new glow plugs and MAF sensor hoping if I replace these it will solve the issue! Has anyone else had this issue and found any other causes please?

Sounds like you might have a blown head gasket.
Head gaskets can fail in several ways. If yours has gone, it sounds as though coolant could be getting into the combustion chamber at high revs - this gives white exhaust as the coolant turns to steam. If this is the case then the coolant level will be going down and you might find water contaminating the oil.
If the coolant level is constant, then the HG could be fine; but if you have not changed the oil recently, then this would be a good time to do it and look for water contamination. HG failures can also let oil into the coolant (you will see dark sludge in the reservoir - also caused by faulty seal in the oil cooler), or can let combustion gas into the coolant (you will see rigid, hot hoses full of hot gas).
Head gaskets can fail in several ways. If yours has gone, it sounds as though coolant could be getting into the combustion chamber at high revs - this gives white exhaust as the coolant turns to steam. If this is the case then the coolant level will be going down and you might find water contaminating the oil.
If the coolant level is constant, then the HG could be fine; but if you have not changed the oil recently, then this would be a good time to do it and look for water contamination. HG failures can also let oil into the coolant (you will see dark sludge in the reservoir - also caused by faulty seal in the oil cooler), or can let combustion gas into the coolant (you will see rigid, hot hoses full of hot gas).
Thank you, I will have a look! Appreciate the advice