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I've had a knocking/ rattling noise coming from underneath the disco for about a week. In the two hundred or so miles I've done since first noticing it, it's gotten loud enough now so that I can hear it over the radio, and if I wind the windows down with the radio and blower off, then it's about as loud as a talking passenger.
I started a thread a week ago, and the help was great but my findings have not really been conclusive.
Got the day off tomorrow, the haynes and rave manuals, and I plan to sort whatever it is out.
My guess, as was my Father's when he drove it, is that it's the Prop UJs finished.
My reasons for thinking this are;
-Same noise as my old disco made before they went
-Knocking that sounds like a length of metal pipe, or a broom handle being rattled inside a scaffolding pole while driving along.
-The noise seems to lessen, even disappear, when turning left of right, but is most prevalent when going straight.
-The noise doesn't change at all when clutch is down, or when out of gear
-The noise only happens when driving, not while static
-The noise has no relation to the revs, or the gear I'm in.
-The knocking gets closer together when faster, and when slowing to a stop it sounds like the 'wheel of fortune' coming to a stop.
Does any of that point to anything in particular?
At the moment, having been underneath and looked at all the bushes, and joints, nothing looks worn, or unstable.
Before I spend my day off tomorrow, replacing the UJ's only to find out that the noise is still there, does anyone have any other ideas as to what it could be?
I started a thread a week ago, and the help was great but my findings have not really been conclusive.
Got the day off tomorrow, the haynes and rave manuals, and I plan to sort whatever it is out.
My guess, as was my Father's when he drove it, is that it's the Prop UJs finished.
My reasons for thinking this are;
-Same noise as my old disco made before they went
-Knocking that sounds like a length of metal pipe, or a broom handle being rattled inside a scaffolding pole while driving along.
-The noise seems to lessen, even disappear, when turning left of right, but is most prevalent when going straight.
-The noise doesn't change at all when clutch is down, or when out of gear
-The noise only happens when driving, not while static
-The noise has no relation to the revs, or the gear I'm in.
-The knocking gets closer together when faster, and when slowing to a stop it sounds like the 'wheel of fortune' coming to a stop.
Does any of that point to anything in particular?
At the moment, having been underneath and looked at all the bushes, and joints, nothing looks worn, or unstable.
Before I spend my day off tomorrow, replacing the UJ's only to find out that the noise is still there, does anyone have any other ideas as to what it could be?