Defender- series 3 front

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New Member
Hey guys first post here and i hope im not dropping myself in it with what im about to say, ive been lookin for a decent series 3 for a while over here in Ireland, not too fruitfull to date which leads me to this dilema, ive been offered an ex military defender 1983 in great nick with zero rust, now i really like the series 3 front and wondered would it be incredibly difficult or would people class it as being a terribly wrong thing to do to convert the defender front to series 3???
All opinions gentle however:eek:
Personally I like things the way they were intended to be when it comes to my motors.
However, Landies are old vehicles and not particularly valuable by classic car standards so I would do what you feel you want to.(and of course, sensibly possible).
Hangty onty a minnit. There weren't defenders or ninetys either in 1983 so it may be a Series 3 that's had a defender front end put on, in which case it'll be easy to put a series 3 front back on.

Has it leaf springs or coily springs? Apologies if I'm advising on egg sucking :eek: