Hi guys I wonder if you might have any suggestions for an auto box to go along with an OM606 in a '93 Defender 90. I am in the process of sourcing an engine and have a ZF 4HP 22 out and ready to go and a ZF 4HP 24 in a driving P38 I know the 24 is a stronger box but is it the best option? Has anyone done an OM606 conversion with an auto most of them I have seen are manuals. The main reason I would do the conversion is to get the auto box.
On another note which of the Land Rover shows is the largest as I am hoping to do a trip next year from Ireland with a few friends and we would be staying for a few days so a small show you would get around in a morning wouldn't really be an option, I used to go to the billing show about 15 years ago and always enjoyed it and I was hoping for something similar or are any of the shows that big anymore?
Thanks for your help in advance.
On another note which of the Land Rover shows is the largest as I am hoping to do a trip next year from Ireland with a few friends and we would be staying for a few days so a small show you would get around in a morning wouldn't really be an option, I used to go to the billing show about 15 years ago and always enjoyed it and I was hoping for something similar or are any of the shows that big anymore?
Thanks for your help in advance.