Quiet Voice
Greetings all:
I previously posted to these newsgroups concerning a vexing problem I
was having with an engine that crhonically overheats.
A brief recap:
I have a '96 jeep cherokee. Whenever I drive it more than a few miles,
the radiator overheats and boils over. I was told at one garage that
the radiator was bad. Replaced it. Same problem. Another place said
the thermosat was bad. Replaced it, no change. I know the water pump
is good.
Since that time, I've found out a few more wrinkles to the fold.......
To make a long story short, I disovered two things:
1)So long as the heater is on, the engine will NOT boil over....no
matter how far I drive.
2)When I stop at red lights, the heater starts to blow COLD air. It
heats up again as soon as I start driving again.
Ever since I discovered point (1), I have been driving with the heater
on full blast and have not had a problem.....except that it gets
AWFULLY hot inside the car!
I'm curious to know if this additional information will clue anyone in
as to what's going on wrong with this vehicle.
Any and all suggestions appreciatd!!
I previously posted to these newsgroups concerning a vexing problem I
was having with an engine that crhonically overheats.
A brief recap:
I have a '96 jeep cherokee. Whenever I drive it more than a few miles,
the radiator overheats and boils over. I was told at one garage that
the radiator was bad. Replaced it. Same problem. Another place said
the thermosat was bad. Replaced it, no change. I know the water pump
is good.
Since that time, I've found out a few more wrinkles to the fold.......
To make a long story short, I disovered two things:
1)So long as the heater is on, the engine will NOT boil over....no
matter how far I drive.
2)When I stop at red lights, the heater starts to blow COLD air. It
heats up again as soon as I start driving again.
Ever since I discovered point (1), I have been driving with the heater
on full blast and have not had a problem.....except that it gets
AWFULLY hot inside the car!
I'm curious to know if this additional information will clue anyone in
as to what's going on wrong with this vehicle.
Any and all suggestions appreciatd!!