Greg Adams
The U. S. Forest Service proposed rule on OHV use on our national
forests is very important to the OHV recreation community. First, the
Forest Service has acknowledged that OHV recreation has a rightful
place on Forest Service land. Second, the Forest Service has stated
that OHV recreation is growing in popularity and that it deserves
specific recognition and management by the agency.
Please click the link below and review in detail the proposed comments
suggested by ARRA. You can submit comments to the Forest Service via
the ARRA website. It is always most effective if you can personalize
your comments. But remember, all comments are due no later than
September 13, 2004.
You can be assured that the anti-access organizations will be
submitting suggested changes to the rule that would diminish
opportunities for OHV recreation on these public lands. For the sake
of OHV recreation, please take a moment to submit your comments to the
Forest Service. Again, remember the deadline is September 13th.
forests is very important to the OHV recreation community. First, the
Forest Service has acknowledged that OHV recreation has a rightful
place on Forest Service land. Second, the Forest Service has stated
that OHV recreation is growing in popularity and that it deserves
specific recognition and management by the agency.
Please click the link below and review in detail the proposed comments
suggested by ARRA. You can submit comments to the Forest Service via
the ARRA website. It is always most effective if you can personalize
your comments. But remember, all comments are due no later than
September 13, 2004.
You can be assured that the anti-access organizations will be
submitting suggested changes to the rule that would diminish
opportunities for OHV recreation on these public lands. For the sake
of OHV recreation, please take a moment to submit your comments to the
Forest Service. Again, remember the deadline is September 13th.