We own a well-maintained 4-Runner with 174k on the dial, up to this
point we've had the Toyota dealership maintain it, and although pricey,
it's been extremely reliable. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that once
in a while I would hit the gas and get no torque accompanied by
over-revving. My guess is the original clutch has reached the end of
the road. What will the approximate cost be to get it replaced, best
case and worst case? Am I crazy to keep this truck going or is it
reasonable to assume I could get another few years out of her?
point we've had the Toyota dealership maintain it, and although pricey,
it's been extremely reliable. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that once
in a while I would hit the gas and get no torque accompanied by
over-revving. My guess is the original clutch has reached the end of
the road. What will the approximate cost be to get it replaced, best
case and worst case? Am I crazy to keep this truck going or is it
reasonable to assume I could get another few years out of her?