Club/forum membership

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New Member
Hi,my insurance comp gave a discount because i am a member of this forum but now they want proof i.e. documented proof of forum membership!Is there any way to provide them with any?
help much appreciated.
Hi,my insurance comp gave a discount because i am a member of this forum but now they want proof i.e. documented proof of forum membership!Is there any way to provide them with any?
help much appreciated.
rekon ur best bet is to give them a ring and ASK wat exactly they require. never heard of this reduced insurance cos of LANDY-FRICKIN-ZONE membership malarky!i'm on the wrong boat

Just start a new fred with a letter of "dear sir, me policy number is xxxx, me name is xxxx, me addy is xxxx, and any other relevant info" then click "preview post" which puts it up but no-one else can see it, print it and then delete it - best print it to a PDF if you can so you still have it, then it'll have the LZ header, your policy number etc.

Mods, when he does this, can you post it live for us so we can exploit!!! :D:D (only kidding, they can't really do this)!
i'm sure they're trust your a sensible landy driver-with a name like yours!!
Hi,my insurance comp gave a discount because i am a member of this forum but now they want proof i.e. documented proof of forum membership!Is there any way to provide them with any?
help much appreciated.
Hi mate I got a discount from drian flux for being on here but they didnt ask for any prof.Send em a pruint out of your public profile- and tell em your incontinent, not a bad driver!
:) Cheers.I'm not that bad a driver,only use brakes when I really need to which some times ends with the odd black/brown line on tarmac/cotton sometimes!:D