Hi there, just found the site and am hoping some of you very knowledgeable landy-types may be able to help. I have a 1997 (P-plate) defender 90 300TDi Hard top, problem is I have 3 dogs who don't appreciate the temperature it gets in the summer. What I am after is sourcing some rear sliding windows and having them fitted. I have found prices around £210 for a pair but the quality of the units seem to vary alot. I am wondering if anyone has had this done or may know a ball-park figure I would be looking at to have them fitted.
Also does anyone know if I have to change the details on my reg and/or notify my insurance company when i make the change?
I hope this works I just put a photo on: http://www.landyzone.co.uk/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=3249&cat=505
Also does anyone know if I have to change the details on my reg and/or notify my insurance company when i make the change?
I hope this works I just put a photo on: http://www.landyzone.co.uk/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=3249&cat=505