Bulkhead repairs

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Well-Known Member
land of the oppressed
Being new to the world of Landys and having a hibred 110 station wagon
I'm going to need your help, I've already asked a couple of questions an got an assortment of answers, (nice going guys)
Now not being new to the wonderfull world of rust an corrosion (I cut my teeth on Morris minors an ford consul classics)

Come the spring I'm going to tackle the bulkhead corrosion,
as you can see from the photo around the windshield it's pretty bad
the foot wells are rusted through as well.

the question is, would it be better to remove the bulkhead an rebuild it
or cut out the corrosion an weld in new panels.

If removing the bulkhead how much of a job is it? (I've searched the net and forums for details on bulkhead removal but no luck)

I've orderd the Haynes 110 resoration manual but the post takes a life time to reach me out here behind the back of beyond


  • stationwagon bulkhead.JPG
    stationwagon bulkhead.JPG
    50 KB · Views: 1,342
If I was tackling that job I wouldn't remove the bulkhead, too much needs removing to do it and even then you are chasing a floppy assembly around the floor. Much easier to remove the front wings, doors, dashboard and do it that way. With you already having the experience of the older British cars I would suggest that you make your own repair panels as the "fit" of some of the replacements that i have seen is awful.
Thanks, I've seen some weld in parts on the net an they seem very basic
no complicated bending, so I'll probably fabricate my own,
I'm lucky in the fact that I've TIG MIG Gas an a sweet inverter welder.
if its really bad all over then remove it, and either repair it or get another/new one.
if its just the bits we can see then do it in situ. with a mig/tig is a doddle.
little/no worries regarding breaking glass nor a fire.