Bubbling coolant??

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New Member
Hi, is it normal for the coolant to be slightly bubbling in the reservoir tank, I know it circulates but have viewed two cars where it bubbles, (slightly but noticeable) even from cold, the other it wasn't bubbling, what should be normal?? Could it be a sign of a problem? Don't even know if I've named the part right, it's the orange stuff in that round bottle thing on the left of the engine (ha ha, sorry, typical woman)
Most grateful.....
Bet you'll all be glad when I eventually buy one!!
sounds like a leak in cooling system somewhere. As said TD4 not known for HGF - split hose or somefink?
mine bubbles slightly and always has for the past 3 years, have had the car preasure tested and leak test.
fink mondo had the bubbly bit in his gaylander .. . . . .afore he turned tutle un wurnt ta the dark side. . . .he'll be around soon un e might till yer. . .:)
You can get a test or a garage to do it - they analyze the air in the expansion tank and check to see if theres any engine gasses in there. If not the leak is probably elsewhere than because of the HG.

Note I had a MGF 1.8 with the same engine. 1 week before HGF I had it gas tested (not pressure tested) and got the ok. It was a hose blowing that eventually got mine on the M1 a week later. Should have check out the hoses because it kept overheating due to collant level dropping.