battery light

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New Member
HELP needed
my battery light can on my on freelander i have had a new alternator and it went off but then driving it home from the garage the light came on again and then i went to get in it this morning and it was dead as a dodo
well if your going to be rude dont reply to me question. i know i have to take it back to the garage i am not stupid i was just asking if anyone else had experienced this problem so i had an idea myself !!!!!
Actually, i've just read your first post again and there is no question whatsover..i then went on to be incredibly not rude which you picked up on and using reverse psychology made me mistake your gender and ignore your obesity.

I apologise profusely. Please do not eat me.
thats a pretty concise answer, wot more do you want.Garage charges for something it hasnt done proper so it goes back, end of. Unless you know differently.