Battery leads, correct fitting procedure.

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I am rebuilding my Series III 88” 2.25 petrol. I have just put the battery tray and air filter back onto the new chassis. I am now looking at replacing the battery leads. Before I replace the chassis there was an earth lead attached to the OS engine mount which ran to the radiator panel and then to the negative battery terminal. It had been modified so it could be attached to the radiator panel. Unfortunately this lead was in poor condition and thrown away. I have looked in the Series III parts manual and found that the negative battery lead for my engine should be a shorter, bare lead (623210). This does not look long enough to attach to the OS engine mount, so where does it connect to? I guess it doesn’t connect to the OS engine mount.
I want to reassemble the leads as they should be, not as they were (modified) can anyone help with the correct layout of the negative and positive battery leads please?
Look in the parts book - one cable from battery to rad panel, one from starter to chassis. Mine's got the extra lead to the engine block, makes sense to fit one to me.
Make sure you do put all the earthing straps on. Ive seen choke cables glow red when people have forgoten or not bothered and the starter earths through the choke cable
Look in the parts book - one cable from battery to rad panel, one from starter to chassis. Mine's got the extra lead to the engine block, makes sense to fit one to me.

That lead from the block to chassis was to take care of static from the (distruibtor) that come through the old am radios, when the motor was reving
Thanks all. I think I will attach the negative lead from the battery to the battery tray leg (chassis).
Current has to get from the starter motor to the battery - going via the chassis and various corroded bits of bodywork on an old motor seems inadvisable to me so I'm keeping the battery negative to block connection on!