I've just fitted a Superwinch EPi9 to the front of the disco and added a split charge system.
My original battery started to play up some time ago so I replaced it with an Optima Red Top. In order to get the split charge set up I have added my old battery as a Auxiliary and the Red Top as a starter battery.
My old bettery is now playing up again and doesn't seem to want to hold a charge. So its time to bite the bullet and buy a replacement to run the winch, rooflights, fridge etc. etc.
The obvious choice is an Optima Yellow top deep cycle but at £160-ish its a lot of money for something which will only be used a few times a year in anger.
Does anyone know of any other (cheaper) options? Having done some searching I have found NUMAX deep-cycle batteries which seem to meet the specs for less than half the price of a yellow top. Does anyone have any experience of these?
NUMAX here:
Any help would be greatly appreciated including what size/spec to buy.
My original battery started to play up some time ago so I replaced it with an Optima Red Top. In order to get the split charge set up I have added my old battery as a Auxiliary and the Red Top as a starter battery.
My old bettery is now playing up again and doesn't seem to want to hold a charge. So its time to bite the bullet and buy a replacement to run the winch, rooflights, fridge etc. etc.
The obvious choice is an Optima Yellow top deep cycle but at £160-ish its a lot of money for something which will only be used a few times a year in anger.
Does anyone know of any other (cheaper) options? Having done some searching I have found NUMAX deep-cycle batteries which seem to meet the specs for less than half the price of a yellow top. Does anyone have any experience of these?
NUMAX here:
Any help would be greatly appreciated including what size/spec to buy.