Any effing idea what this is?

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New Member
Takoradi, Ghana
Found this hiding under the bonnet of my 110 as part of the head light circuit. Guess it's an add-on. Landy is ex-JCB which might explain the nice backing plate. Anyway, doesn't bloody work any more. A voltage transformer?


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Re lights, nothing special by the time I came to buy it from Land Rover Centre in Huddersfield anyway. Will go down to garage and have a play with it. Photo to follow...
It looks like a high wattage load / choke resister or coil to me.
As to why its in the lighting circuit I no idea unless you have some odd lights, in which case they must have a very low starting resistance and this acts as a surge protector.
That's a resistor, must have been wired for dim-dip, when side lights are on and engine is running the dip beam comes on at about half brightness.
well, not much to see. Drilled the end caps off. and there you go. A welded bit going into a sealed plastic/resin looking unit.


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Thanks for advice all. It's a dead resistor now. Bloody hot here to-day, so here's a photo of my back garden for you poor sods in the cold... :D


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i notice its an aeriel shot, not showing the ground, does this mean the ground is a barren wasteland covered in dog **** that no one can be bothered to clean up, or are you just showing off cos you got palm trees, not much of a view either, palm trees and the back of a building, pah, id rather live in swindon ;)
yeah you got me... 'course we live in a squalid mossie infected barren waste land. It is Africa after all... If can sort out the size of the blooming photos will post photos of barren wasteland. Not a touch on Swindon I grant yeh

... sunday at the beach! Better than Swindon v. Macclesfield...


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I think you will find that this is wot yu had!

it is a high watt resistor - as already suggested - if it has gone open circuit - that why your lights didnt work. The anodised aluminium can wuth fins is designed to act as a heatsink - coz they get flippin 'ot!

my back garden. had to clean it up a bit before i took a piccy. you should a seen it before.

couple a palm trees and itll look great.
Hey Mad Hat Man - thanks. Do tell me though please - what exactly does a high watt resistor do and why do you think it was on my Landy?

PS. Ormus - nice shed. Couple of palm trees in the post for you!
e resistor reduces the voltage down a wire, but it also has to carry the current (amps) of the device being used (Lights) - assuming these are two 65watt bulbs - this is 130 Watts - it has to disipate this as heat - hence the big heat-sink. I would imagine the idea is to do one of two things.
1) to power the headlights in a dimmed (lower voltage) manner when the side lights where on (as already suggested)
2) to reduce the short circuit load on the rest of the system on cold start of the lights when the filaments are effectively short circuit, therby increasing the bulb life.

Unfortunately without knowing the value of the resistor (do you have one on the other side?) it is almost impossible to determine what it was there for.
I also dont think it matters if your lights now work ok :)
the aluminium part is a heat sink, which points towards a voltage transformer, take it off the plare and see whats inside ;)
I think you will find that this is wot yu had!

it is a high watt resistor - as already suggested - if it has gone open circuit - that why your lights didnt work. The anodised aluminium can wuth fins is designed to act as a heatsink - coz they get flippin 'ot!
1) to power the headlights in a dimmed (lower voltage) manner when the side lights where on (as already suggested)

which bit of "as already suggested" dont yu understand, Yella - to much time wiv ya hed up a sheeps arse!
I think yu might notice yu also suggested a transformer - only in its widest context in as much as anything that changes summat must transform it in some way - usually not applied to a resistor!!!

now stop arguin and answer my q - or answer the piggin phone! ;)