Another hello from Spain

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New Member
Hiya everyone (to those I don't know from elsewhere - and those that I do)

I think the technical stuff on here is good (espcially the V8 stuff), so here I am.

Oh, and if I don't like what you say, I like to be able to say **** off too.

So there we are. That's pretty easy isn't it.

Kate - from Spain - obviously. Now I'm off to reply to that other post from someone coming to Spain. I'm really helpful, me.
:) Thanks for your friendly welcome. I ws a bit worried about only getting two responses - but lots of peeps don't seem to get any. So two feels pretty cool.

Ey up lass, welcome. We like peeps with the right attitude on 'ere, well just attitude really ;)

No, I'm sure I will have the wrong attitude. That is an easy one. But, yeah, you're right. I have a little bit.

ahhh there yer is !

Welcome t landyzone yer grumpy tart;) :p :D

now shuurup while i wotch emmerdale:rolleyes:

I could be worried about you if I could be arsed. You could have a problem.
1) My mum and dad used to watch Emmerdale
2) They wore slippers while watching it
3) And drank cups of tea while doing so

Why are you watching it late at night? I thought it was on early. Still a load of old tosh and the theme music is crap too.

Oh. I thought I may possibly attract a few insults. But I am not grumpy. Very nice woman me. :)
WELCOM now you got three , probably a record :confused:
but if C@r*7^%G did welcomes theyd probably be the best in the world:D

If they are that mean for landy mods why did you moove there:confused: