Disco 2 2004 Discovery td5 manual crank no start no glow plug light no engine light temp light on.

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James Blakely

Hamilton Scotland
Hi all
As above, I have 2 td5's and have changed the ecu relays and fuses bridged the cut off switch on the bulkhead to no avail.
Any help very welcome thanks in advance.

Scan it for any codes related to the ecu.
Double check relay holders and wiring.
I should point on this isn't personal experience but what I have picked up via forums.
Hi, if you are you 100% certain that the ECU is not at fault all the symptoms can be the result of missing power supply or earth to the ECU

btw can nanocom communicate with the BCU and ABS ? if no comms at all with any ECU the problem can be the BCU too or a wiring issue...

complex troubleshooting is needed to measure powers and circuits continuity based on the diagrams so if you are not skilled with such procedures i can't help you much
Hi Sierafery
When I pug in the nanocom It communicates wit the BCU and the slabs, but not the ECU.
Then that ECU is very suspect, of if the ECU is OK there is a power or earth issue to it... you must try with a 100% good one before chasing a potential wiring issue on that path cos that can be a nightmare
Hi Sierrafery
I put the ecu from my auto in and the fuelpump did not run and the engine light and glow plug light still did not aluminate, it was an ecu from an auto put in to a manual though.