It is leaking at the throttle spindle. In fact I should say 'dripping' from the throttle spindle.
Everybody says you should take it to a specialist but it sounds simple enough to me to change an o-ring, so i'll have a go.
Charles, if i get the td pump i'll let you know.
I would like the TD pump as I have just had a TD engine fitted to the airportable!
I fitted a new O-Ring to my NA pump myself.
It isn't difficult, but it needs a lot of care.
The whole innards of the pump are under a little pressure from the fuel lift pump so it does leak steadily when the O-ring goes.
Wash the pump VERY CLEAN ..... it must be utterly crud free!
As I recall, the trick is to get the throttle lever off the spindle first, and this needs to be done WITHOUT disturbing the settings of the multi-part lever.
Then it is possible to undo the screws holding down the top cover, and as you lisft the lid up, you can feed the throttle spindle down VERY CAREFULLY. Common sense will tell you what all bits you need to undo the get the pump lid clean off the body of the pump. The two levers (Throttle and tickover) are connected to springs , so you need to be careful!
Once the lid is off, the o-ring is perfectly accessible, and can be replaced with one from any 0-ring kit.
Then you head back to the pump, hook on the springs, feed the spindle back up the hole and carefully through the new o-ring, and screw the lid down neatly onto its rubber seating gasket.
Bleed it ... job done. Cost 1p for an o-ring, and maybe an hour or two if you take plenty time. Saving .... hundreds of pounds probably.
If you were anywhere near here I would do it for you if you whip the pump off, but really, taking the pump off is NOT required, if you know how to be careful. NO hammers are needed for this job, so that rules out most conventional LandRover repairs experts and methods!